Sunday, December 20, 2015

Preparing For Christmas Conference


 December 14, 2015

Well this week was pretty crazy.  On Saturday we did a big service project for the Silva family; it was really great. We did a lot of construction work.  It reminded me of pouring concrete and digging holes for my work before the mission. Before we worked, we had an American breakfast.  We even made maple syrup, pancakes and everything. We helped make the food and the family said that they really like the way that the Americans eat their breakfast because in Uruguay they mainly just eat bread for breakfast.

In our mission around Christmas time we have a Christmas conference and for the Christmas conference all of the zones sing a Christmas song. In our zone (Las Piedras) we are going to sing “The First Noel” with “Jesus Once of Humble Birth,” but there is a twist to it. The Latinos are going to sing “The First Noel” and the people from the states are going to sing “Jesus Once of Humble Birth” in English and it is going to be awesome! So to prepare us for the conference, we have been practicing a lot. Hopefully all will go well. Hope you all have a great week.

Love ya’ll,

Elder Rogers


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