Saturday, December 5, 2015


December 1, 2015
Hello everybody!!!
How are you all doing? I`m doing really good.  This week we had a lot of conferences. First we had a zone conference with the President of the mission and it was really great.  We talked a lot about becoming missionary and not going on a mission. It is so important that we progress in our lives and keep on progressing and learn more about the gospel. Then we had stake conference this week and they talked a lot about ward council meetings and the importance of having meetings that talk about how we can help the members in our ward.
Well recently in our area it has been kind of hard to find investigators to teach so we found out that in our area we have like 4 or 5 little towns .  So yesterday we went and visited these towns and we found a good amount of people that said we could return and share more of our message. We are going to go back there Friday to visit them all, so we are really excited about that.
Thanksgiving was actually pretty good we met up with some other elders and had a Thanksgiving dinner. We had barbecue chicken, mashed potatoes, and juice. We even sat around the table and said the things that we are grateful for so that was pretty cool to be able to do that. In the morning we woke up early and played basketball and soccer.
Hope you all have a wonderful week,
Love Y’all,
Elder Rogers

P.S. I forgot to say that this week is changes and I am staying in the same area with the same companion. Wow.



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